Résumés Done Right

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The team consists of two players.You and I.
I formed this company in 2011 for the sole purpose of helping people advance themselves in their career of choice.
Experience is what sets me apart. ​
I enjoy raising the bar for my clients. Making them more effective communicators in the business world, and sending them off with a great resume. Or better prepared to answer difficult questions in an interview.
I had many jobs in my own career; working for everyone from mom-and-pop restaurants in hot kitchens amidst steam and chemicals all the way up to Fortune-500 technology corporations as an Enterprise-level consultant and business manager.
I spent many years selling computer hardware, software, and services; at one point I worked for a business communication skills company, an industry leader. They served the Fortune 500, well 350 of them anyway. I began to take and sell their training. It was then I began to understand that learning and training had scientific methodologies behind them, even though the subject at hand was not biology or chemistry.
I can offer you help with your résumé, job searching, and interview preparation.
Companies- I can design a custom recruiting solution for you to attract and retain key talent.
News & Publications

August 09, 2017
Nurses! Custom curriculum created just for you!
I have a lot of nursing clients at all levels of experience, from entry-level student to 30+ year master practitioner. I have created a custom package including: resume, job-search, and interview preparation for what is a very high-paying and exclusive profession. Leverage my past success for your future nurses!
Call For Career Help!
I can help you become a driving force behind your career.