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My Expertise

Résumés Done Right offers the following services as core compentencies:

Résumés are the foundation of the company. They are a dynamic, ever-changing, never-static  instrument and tool. The right one can open a door for you and your career that you didn't know existed. The wrong one can deny a life-changing opportunity. We will meet or speak and I will analyze many details of your past career or skill-set. Then we will plan a roadmap for your future, utilizing the high-level résumé as the instrument for career navigation!

My cover letters are unique, custom, and drive hiring managers into feeling a great desire to reach out and contact you. The cover letter is almost as crucial as the résumé in today's workplace, and it is assigned a value of one-third of my overall product. Without an effective and compelling cover letter, their is simply not much reason for an active hiring manager to spend time reviewing your resume. Those that do not have this component are an easy choice to remove from consideration.

Let me help you find the job of your dreams! I offer custom job-search uniquely formatted for your particular career and desires. Sit back and watch your email in-box receive first: confirmation of receipts, and then emails from hiring managers asking when you are free to speak. This is a per/hour service. I use my proprietary system to hit many more openings than the average job seeker can locate. You get blind, carbon-copied on all applications.

Cover Letters
Custom Job Search

Do you need help growing your business, sales, or sales force? I can assist you with management consulting in several different areas. Strategic planning, business operations, staff development (sales, presentation skills, personal coaching and development). No company to big or small will be considered! I think of the time I addressed the key executive team of a Top 5 multi-international international insurance company on advanced business development strategies and operational growth [As it pertained to web-based, real-time,GPS-based fleet management technology and associated marketing and distribution] and I think wow! I helped some very large companies solve complex technological problems and I am now qualified and efficient at serving people directly with accomplishing strategic goals. I can offer my experience one-on-one at a personal level.

Do you need help finding quality talent to employ? I can help you staff you workforce with dedicated, hard-working, and successful employees. Mine employee prospects with great skills from my large database of qualified candidates. I can manage targeted hiring campaigns for specific business channels (Sales, Medical, Technology), and together we can rapidly grow your company and work-force. Recruiting, Training, and Retaining of key talent is crucial to growing any enterprise.

Being properly prepared for the interview is crucial! With the proper tools already in your toolbox (great Résumés & cover-letter) along with some one-on-one training from me, you will be confident, poised, articulate, and ready to show YOU are the proper candidate.


​I enjoy raising the bar for my clients. Making them more effective communicators in the business world, and sending them off with a great resume. I enjoy that the most along with doing interview preparation. That is where a real, tangible, notable transfer of skills takes place between myself and you the customer. I teach you what to say and how to say it in the interview scenario, and have you well prepared to answer detailed questions about you, your career, your goals, and your life. 

Interview Preparation
Corporate Staffing
Strategic Consulting

Do you need help improving your online presence? Perhaps your corporate biography needs to be created or upgraded? I can assist you with improving your story and presenting the right image to prospective hiring managers, colleagues, board-members, and customers.  

Linked-In profiles, bio's

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